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Digital Worship Folder




Shadow Mountain Church exists to turn ordinary people into extraordinary disciples of Jesus Christ

Sunday, March 9, 2025

DALL·E 2025-03-01 06.09.58 - A black and white minimalist background representing 'The Bes

Best Marriage Ever!

Miscellaneous Scripture



Weekly Opportunities


Sunday Morning Service

9:00 AM & 10:40 AM


Sunday Adult Bible Study

9:00 AM & 9:15 AM

Contact Tony Keating or Pastor Christopher Gray


Sunday Children's Ministry

10:40 AM


Monday Trail Life

7 PM


Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer

6:00 PM


Thursday AWANA

6:15 PM




Hiding God's Word


For God did not send his Son into the world

to condemn the world,

but in order that the world might be saved through him.


John 3:17




Do you have an urgent prayer request?



go to


All prayer urgent prayer requests are emailed to the membership of SMC and shared and prayed for at the Wednesday evening Prayer and Bible Study.



A safe haven for girls affected by human trafficking has a HUGE need that every Christian should be able to get behind… THE WORD of GOD!

Shadow Mountain Church is collecting, purchasing and bringing to church NASB (New American Standard Bibles) to take and donate the theses girls

who are learning about a relationship with Jesus Christ!

Pick up a New American Standard Bible to donate TODAY!!!!!!!!






Austin's House


Austin's House provides a safe haven for children who have been removed from their home situation. This includes providing food, shelter, clothing, transportation to and from school, medical and dental needs, and emotional support.

Your donation helps keep the House humming! From clothing to toiletries to school supplies, your donation directly helps the kids.


Shadow Mountain Church supports Austin's House through donations

placed on the table in the gathering area.

We are currently collecting shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and girls and boys’ deodorant. Also, as we get closer to the children returning to school, they will be in need school supplies - binders that are half inch, one inch and two inch, journals, filler paper, mechanical pencils, highlighters, and  markers.



























The Book of 1 Timothy

Taught by Tony Keating

Sundays at 9 AM



Blessed to be a Blessing


go to

or  place your financial gifts in the box on the wall 

located inside the foyer on Sunday morning..








for supporting the ministries of Shadow Mountain Church.



Annual Budget 2025


Weekly Budget $8,461

Received last week $4,341

Budget YTD $67,692

Received YTD $49,593

(under) Over Budget (18,099)






Daniel Flynn,  Senior Pastor                pastordaniel                                               

Chris Gray, Family Pastor                                                                                        

Jim LeGare,                                                                                        

Matt Kalb,   





Lisa Flynn, Administrator


Danielle Montoya, Danielle Parks,

Co-Children’s Ministries Directors


Shawna Sargis, Awana Director


Pam DeWitt, Nursery Director


Derek Rickford, Treasurer​​                                                             





Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, 

and giving of thanks be made for all men,”

1 Timothy 2:1


Please pray for the Elders, Staff, and Ministries of Shadow Mountain Church 

Please pray for our family members serving in the military and reserves:


                Gillian M. - Air Force                            Frank A. – Navy                             Julia W. - Air Force

                Tatiana M. – Air Force                          Richard B. – Army                         Christian J. - Army                   

                Noah K. – Navy                                    Jacob W. - Marines                        Trevor B. - Army


Please pray for our college students at home and away:


                Ethan K.                                               Tony K.                                           Tirza K.

                Abi S.                                                   Haley E.                                          Nate B.                                                                    Charlie P.                                             Samantha P.


In obedience to the command of Matthew 28:19 which reads,

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them

in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”

Shadow Mountain Church supports the following missionaries and missional organizations:



City of Refuge – Home, Hope and help for Pregnant Women & Teens

Austin’s House – Caring for Children in Crisis

Life Choices – Community Pregnancy Center

Mollies House - Safe haven for girls affected by sex trafficking




SBC: North American Mission Board (which is U.S.A., Canada, Mexico etc.)



SBC: International Mission Board

Operation Christmas Child – year round collection and church-wide packing

Aaron’s Hands (India) – feeding program

Compassion International - supporting your individual opportunity

Harvesters International – financial support and partnership –

also will be offering opportunities to GO to various mission points


Please pray for our church family.


                    To respect the confidentiality of our attendees, all  prayer requests are emailed to the membership

                    of SMC and/or shared and prayed for at the Wednesday evening Prayer and Bible Study.



Other Information


For information about our church go to

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