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Sermons By SERIES

What Matters?

     Part 1: Preaching Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: Church Matters   Sermon Notes​


The Three Circles

     Part 1: God's Design   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: Brokenness   Sermon Notes

     Part 3: The Gospel   Sermon Notes


James: Lessons for the Church, Lessons for You!

     Part 1: James 1:1-8   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: James 1:3-4   Sermon Notes

     Part 3: James 1:5-8   Sermon Notes

     Part 4: No Other Way   Sermon Notes

     Part 5: Rich Man - Poor Man   Sermon Notes

     Part 6: Learning to be an OVERCOMER!   Sermon Notes

     Part 7: What's With the Attitude?   Sermon Notes

     Part 8: Psst...your faith is showing?   Sermon Notes

     Part 9: Sticks and Stones   Sermon Notes

     Part 10: Wisdom Revealed in This or That!   Sermon Notes

     Part 11: I Wish...   Sermon Notes

     Part 12: Oh, Come on Now...   Sermon Notes

     Part 13: PRO-VISION   Sermon Notes

     Part 14: Wait...Do You Want Patience? I am Resolved!   Sermon Notes

     Part 15: The Church God Uses   Sermon Notes



     Part 1: For To Us ... (The Birth Announcement)   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: The Birth of Hope   Sermon Notes

     Part 3: What Is Christmas All About?   Sermon Notes

     Part 4: Great Joy? You Can Have It!   Sermon Notes

     Part 5: The Peace of Christmas   Sermon Notes


What Am I Doing Here?

     Part 1: The Greeting   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: Blessed   Sermon Notes

     Part 3: In Him   Sermon Notes

     Part 4: Prayer and the Power of God   Sermon Notes

     Part 5: I'm Not Who I Was   Sermon Notes

     Part 6: But God...   Sermon Notes

     Part 7: Remember…but Now in Christ Jesus…   Sermon Notes

     Part 8: Jesus...our peace, our unity,

        our hope, our preacher, our access   Sermon Notes

     Part 9: Jesus... Our Cornerstone   Sermon Notes

     Part 10: Jesus... Salvation Mystery Revealed   Sermon Notes


Christ in the Old Testament

     Part 1: Christ in the Garden   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: Christ and Noah's Ark   Sermon Notes

     Part 3: Jesus in the Book of Exodus   Sermon Notes

     Part 4: Jesus in Psalm 2


John’s First Letter

     Introduction: Truth and Love   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: Jesus and Gnosticism   Sermon Notes

     Part 3: Light and Darkness   Sermon Notes

     Part 4: Man's BIG Problem   Sermon Notes

     Part 5: God's Solution to Man's Big Problem   Sermon Notes

     Part 6: Do You Have an Attorney?   Sermon Notes

     Part 7: Who Did Jesus Die For?   Sermon Notes

     Part 8: The Ins and Outs of Obedience   Sermon Notes

     Part 9: The New Old Commandment   Sermon Notes

     Part 10: Spiritual Maturation   Sermon Notes

     Part 11: The Love God Hates   Sermon Notes

     Part 12: Christology Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 13: Abiding in Jesus   Sermon Notes

     Part 14: Shamefulness   Sermon Notes

     Part 15: Whose Family Are You a Part Of?   Sermon Notes

     Part 16: Glorification   Sermon Notes

     Part 17: Personal Practical Holiness   Sermon Notes

     Part 18: The Problem of Resentment   Sermon Notes



     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Part 3   Sermon Notes


Hand Me Another Brick

     Part 1: Introduction   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: Being SAD is a Good Thing   Sermon Notes

     Part 3: Praying Should Be Our First Thought...Not an Afterthought   Sermon Notes

     Part 4: Planning Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 5: Planning Matters Continued   Sermon Notes

     Part 6: Motivation Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 7: Organization Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 8: Organization Matters Continued   Sermon Notes

     Part 9: Critics and Criticism Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 10: Critics and Criticism Matters Continued   Sermon Notes

     Part 11: Overcoming Discouragement Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 12: Overcoming Discouragement Matters Continued   Sermon Notes 

     Part 13: Resolving Internal Problems Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 14: Promotion Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 15: Surviving Intimidation   Sermon Notes

     Part 16: Surviving Intimidation Continued   Sermon Notes

     Part 17: Maintaining Success Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 18: Scripture Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 19: Scripture Matters Continued   Sermon Notes

     Part 20: Scripture Matters Continued   Sermon Notes

     Part 21: Scripture Matters Continued   Sermon Notes

     Part 22: Scripture Matters Continued   Sermon Notes

     Part 23: Don't Forget to Remember   Sermon Notes


The Treasure Principle

     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Part 3   Sermon Notes

     Part 4   Sermon Notes


Anger Management

     Anger Management 101   Sermon Notes

     Anger Management 201   Sermon Notes


The Unpardonable Sin

     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes


Four Essentials for a Joyful Life

     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Part 3   Sermon Notes


Creating Positive and Permanent Personal Change

     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Part 3   Sermon Notes



     Part 1: Introduction   Sermon Notes   Leaders in Israel

     Part 2: Daniel and Boundaries   Sermon Notes

     Part 3: Daniel and Favor   Sermon Notes

     Part 4: The Impossible Dream!   Sermon Notes

     Part 5: How to Respond to BIG Problems   Sermon Notes

     Part 6: Nebuchadnezzar's Forgotten Dream   Sermon Notes

     Part 7: The Rock that Rolls   Sermon Notes

     Part 8: The Kingdom That Doesn't Quit   Sermon Notes

     Part 9: The Problem of Idolatry   Sermon Notes

     Part 10: The BIG Test   Sermon Notes

     Part 11: Integrity Matters   Sermon Notes

     Part 12: Divine Interruption   Sermon Notes

     Part 13: Pride Versus Humility   Sermon Notes

     Part 14: Divine Graffiti   Sermon Notes

     Part 15: Turn Out the Lights, the Party's Over   Sermon Notes

     Part 16: Liars, Laws and Lions   Sermon Notes

     Part 17: Liars, Laws and Lions continued   Sermon Notes

     Part 18: End Times for the Mean Time   Sermon Notes

     Part 19: This is the Training Time for the Reigning Time   Sermon Notes

     Part 20: Principles of Powerful Prayer   Sermon Notes

     Part 21: Daniel's Seventy Weeks   Sermon Notes   Timeline Chart


Christmas 2020

     Part 1: When Things Don't Go as Planned   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: Evidence for the Virgin Birth   Sermon Notes


Evidence for the Existence of God

     Part 1: Introduction   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: More Evidence   Sermon Notes


Capitalism, Socialism and Communism Revisited

     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes


The State of the Church

     The Church at Ephesus Part 1   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Ephesus Part 2   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Smyrna   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Pergamos (Pergamum) Part 1   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Pergamos (Pergamum) Part 2   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Thyatira Part 1   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Thyatira Part 2   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Sardis Part 1   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Sardis Part 2   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Philadelphia Part 1   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Philadelphia Part 2   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Laodicea Part 1   Sermon Notes

     The Church at Laodicea Part 2   Sermon Notes


Why Do Bad Things Happen to Not So Good People?

     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Part 3   Sermon Notes

     Part 4   Sermon Notes

     Part 5   Sermon Notes

     Part 6   Sermon Notes

     Part 7   Sermon Notes

     Part 8   Sermon Notes


True Success

     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes


The Original Christmas

     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes


Question and Answers

     Part 1: Cremation, Transfusions, Lying, Spitting     Sermon Notes


The One Another's

     Part 1: Receive One Another   Sermon Notes

     Part 2: Prefer One Another   Sermon Notes

     Part 3: Admonish One Another   Sermon Notes

     Part 4: Encourage One Another   Sermon Notes

     Part 5: Comfort One Another   Sermon Notes

     Part 6: Bear with One Another   Sermon Notes


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

     Part 1 ... the Bad and the Ugly   Sermon Notes

     Part 2 ... The Good   Sermon Notes


Gross Injustice

     Part 1

     Part 2   Timeline Chart

     Part 3



     Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Part 2   Sermon Notes



     Essentials to Bible Reading   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Effective Prayer Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Effective Prayer Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Effective Fasting   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Determining the Will of God Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Determining the Will of God Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Understanding How We Received the Bible Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Understanding How We Received the Bible Part 2  Sermon Notes  Historical Record

     Essentials to Discipleship Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Discipleship Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Discipleship Part 3   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Assurance of Salvation Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Assurance of Salvation Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Understanding Giving   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Developing Our Salvation Testimony   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Understanding Security of Salvation Part 1   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Understanding Security of Salvation Part 2   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Understanding Sin after Salvation   Sermon Notes

     Essentials to Understanding Communion   Sermon Notes


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